Thursday, December 24, 2020

ハワイの不動産情報: Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! メリークリスマス!

          Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our Ohana! 


Go to our website for quick search!

Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)
1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410
Fax: 808.988.8077
Email: /
*** Ask me about 10% donation to your favorite non-profit organization when you choose to work with us! ***

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Team works make dream work! Traditional value continues to be cherished in each successful sales! ハワイの不動産最新情報!大切なお家の売買をチームワークでお世話します!

Hope you and your ohana have been safe and doing good during this pandemic.

I felt the urge to post this with cheesy title...!! As most people already know, this year has been very challenging and unprecedented with the COVID-19 situation. Who would've thought that the world gets shut down!? Although with all the challenges, there are some good news during this time.


Because of the recent super low interest rate that we had only seen in the past during the 2006-2008 recession, people are out and about, buying homes! The low interest rate generated the high demands/needs for both re-financing, and purchase. Even though conditions are very good for both buying and selling homes in our Oahu real estate market, not everything sells. It's a careful planning and execution that actually makes the successful transaction. I would like to list the few things that you can start with if you are planning on selling or buying in this current market.

Download the app to search for the homes in Hawaii! 
Click below to install the App for quick search!

Are you planning on selling your home? 


First and foremost, consult with your agent how the comparable sales are in your neighborhood. If you are selling, just like anything else, you need to know your competition and what you are dealing with. What you want for your cherished home doesn't mean much to buyers, it's the hard cold facts and how you can reason better than others, that adds value in $$$. Once you study and mentally ready, then you are ready as a successful seller! 


Be and stay flexible. So much road blocks to overcome during the actual sale process. Good agents are always looking out for your interest, stay connected, inform you every step of the way (Unless you would only like the pin point summary...). 


Fix a problem early on. Almost all the re-sale homes are sold AS IS. Unless it's a brand new construction. If you are selling home, not as a developer, it will be AS IS sale, however be reminded that lots of buyers use home loans for purchase. If your home has serious structural damage that no lender would want, then you need to fix that problem first. Otherwise you will be waiting for the all cash offer for a long time. 


Review every two weeks of listing period. If you don't see much result from the first 2 weeks of period of listing and marketing your home, most likely, it's over priced or too unique. In Hawaii, home price may not be priced too high, yet some of the buildings and projects have higher maintenance or special assessment that raise the total maintenance fee, which discourage some buyers. 


Be frank and open. Assumption and guessing creates further problem. Always disclose material facts as no one wants the cancellation during escrow process. 


Not to be afraid to address concerns. It's also in the line of where I am headed. Guessing and assuming create unnecessary drama and problems. Ask questions, address concerns whenever you have to your agents to clear your questions and wonders. I actually do the same to address to my broker as each transaction is very unique to the buyer/seller and each home.


Don't put your guard down till actually it's recorded. Our motto is to be the most caring and knowledgeable real estate advisor in our community. I know it's a highly stressful and lengthy process, somewhere during the process, you might be discouraged/frustrated, yet as long as everybody is doing the job, it will end successfully. 


One of our recent sales. 
Received an offer on the day zero before the public open house, received multiple offers, went into escrow in 3 days after the public open. Would you like to sell your cherished home with us? Contact me for free consultation!

Download the app to search for the homes in Hawaii! 
Click below to install the App for quick search!

Are you planning on buying your home? 

Qualification process and budgeting. Some people think that they can go through the financing preparation when they actually find a home...WRONG! You have to get it done before you start viewing homes. So you won't miss a chance of getting a home that you love. 

Don't be afraid to contact your agent for any questions and what's normal, what's NOT normal. This is where our agency's experience comes into play. The same goes with home sellers. Each property is unique and each person's wish and needs are also unique. Imagine what sort of unknowns you might be getting into?! When in doubt and wonder, always ask questions!

Don't be afraid to place an offer for purchase. If it's within your budget and you like the home, it's ok to put an offer right after you view. Longer you wait, lower the chance of getting the home you like. Purchase contracts are drafted in a way to protect buyers. You will get 14 day inspection period for the property (If it's a regular sale) for possible cancellation. However, be reminded that you need to of course take each step with your highest cautions and attentions. It IS a legal process that you go through. 

Be flexible and open-minded. As I mentioned in the selling home section, each home sale has unique situation and unique buyer/seller personalities, situations. Unexpected/inexperienced situation occur 
almost in every home sales.

Stay tuned with your loan officer and your agent. They are your best friends during your home search and actual process. The better the communication is among your team, the better the outcome will be! You will absolutely need the Team "Your name" ! 

Download the app to search for the homes in Hawaii! 
Click below to install the App for quick search!

Special thanks to our clients who trust us with their cherished homes, my mentor and broker, Abe Lee, Joni and Eri from our Admin team, Kenn Nishihara from KN surveying LLC, Terminix, Brandon and Michele from Title guaranty, Todd from Real Steam Clean Hawaii, Handyman service KS works and my cheerleader and volunteer beloved husband :). 


Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details!
Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.
初めて不動産売買される方必見! 頭金補助プログラム及び購入者のための無料セミナーもございます。まずはメールにてお問い合わせください。

Download the app to search for the homes in Hawaii! 
Click below to install the App for quick search!

No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410
Go to my website for quick search! 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

ハワイの不動産情報 Hawaii, Oahu Real estate Update Single Family Home or Condominium/Townhouse? Are you a home owner in need of help?

Hope all is well with you all! In this content, I would like to cover the Hawaii real estate trend we have seen this past month and why the change happened. 

Real estate provides home, roof over your head. One of the most critical and essential elements for most of us. With more people are ordered to stay at home, or work from home, more people are in need of a place that serve them in a customized manner. 

(Oahu Town houses)

Click Below for Quick Hawaii Property Search!

Some of the increased demands that we have witnessed in our daily operations are: 

- A place that provides the space to be able to divide actual living space from study/work place

- A place that provides the space to exercise/relax

- A place that provides the space to grow own food resources(vegetable, fruits)

- A place that provides the space for new member of families (Pets included!)

- A place that provides (your own needs!)

Whatever it might be, something that we didn't think about before became very important in our life (aka "New Normal"!)

The recent surge in purchase is definitely the single family home purchase vs condominium/apartments/townhouses. 

O‘ahu’s Housing Market Sees Mixed Activity Amid Ongoing Pandemic

Single-family home market marks new record and steady recovery, while condos continue to trail 2019 activity

HONOLULU – According to resales figures released today by the Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, O‘ahu’s single-family home market continues to make a steady recovery, while condo activity struggles to regain momentum as the pandemic stretches on. Most notably, sales of single-family homes in August marked a new record-high median sales price of $839,000, climbing from $790,000 this time last year and representing a year-over-year increase of 6.2%.

Using data collected from its computerized Multiple Listing Service (MLS) system, the Board reported the following statistics:

(Reference: Honolulu Board of Realtors)

A lot of times, the maintenance fee for condominium/apartments is one of the key factors that drives the demand for single family homes.

Simply put, affordability goes up with single family home: 

(Reference: Mortgage Calculator from Google)

Monthly cost: $1,706 + $600 (Potential Maintenance Fee)= $2,306

(Reference: Mortgage Calculator from Google)

Monthly Cost: $2,306

*With the same Monthly Cost of $2,306, you can afford up to 
$513,600 for a Single Family Home VS $380,000 for a condominium unit with maintenance fee.

*Disclaimer: This sample calculations are NOT including Tax/Insurance (Escrow fee, actual monthly costs would vary with different credit, maintenance fee, insurance, and tax)

You can sort of see how effective your money can be used and build your equity faster with a single family homes. 

I often use the google calculator to see how much monthly cost would be (The ball park of the estimate) when I am requested to schedule viewing of homes/condos, so when my clients see and like the place, he/she would already know how much they are expected to pay monthly. 

For the people who have been pre-qualified with a loan officer, that loan officer can calculate the estimate of cost that can be more close to actual cost also. 

If you are anything like me, I would like to know how much I would like to pay monthly rather than how much I can borrow. If you are renter and considering the purchase in the near future, pre-qualification process should come now to find out how much you can afford, and how much YOU want to spend. Even if you are qualified to spend $2,000 a month toward housing, you may want to limit spending up to $1,800, and put the extra $200 for rainy day funds or saving for other purposes. 

I often refer to this website: (Yes! Very self-explanatory website!) for further budgeting/saving tips in addition to all the helpful resources from Hawaii home ownership center. 

***If you own a home and in need of assistance to sell/exchange/develop, contact us for our free counseling session and possible route you can take. ***As always, our mission prevails! We have more than 40 years of local expertise to get you where you need to be! 

"Our mission is to be the most knowledgeable & caring real estate company that provides unsurpassed service & value to the community."

Also, check out Hawaii Home Ownership Center for useful info!

 Please continue to stay safe, and wash and moisturize your hands often! 


Click Below for Quick Hawaii Property Search!

Go to our website for quick search!

No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)
1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410
Fax: 808.988.8077
Email: /
*** Ask me about 10% donation to your favorite non-profit organization when you choose to work with us! ***

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

ハワイの最新不動産情報 ハワイでのコロナの影響は?Hawaii, Oahu Real Estate Newest Stats from MAY 2020

As we were all wondering how our economy and everything else have been going, here is a stats from the result of May in Oahu. Everybody says lots of things and throw opinions, and feelings, which are all valid to express yet one thing for sure, the data won't lie. 

Although we've had the fear and skepticism in our on-going economy, the data shows relatively stable trade in Oahu real estate. It slowed down for sure because of lock down measure and all, yet I am sort of surprised as the impact we got from it either hasn't shown it yet or didn't affect our local economy as much. According to the data,  it takes only 13 days for the homes to be sold. Our office had multiple offers on single homes, rather than condo unit (Which took longer yet still 23 days to be sold). 

売り手:市場にでている物件の平均日数 一軒家で13日、コンドミニアムで23日

With new listings and pending sales are both down, that drove the demand higher than available homes for purchase in the Oahu market. Could this be a chance for the seller to sell with advantage? 

Oahu real estate shows hyper-local characteristics: neighborhood to neighborhood, and street to street. Please contact how YOUR choice of neighborhood would be like for you to sell or purchase homes. Nothing is a cookie cutter in Oahu Real estate. 



Please feel free to reach out for any questions you might have. Thank you for hanging in there together during this pandemic. Please stay safe, practice good social distance, and God bless us all.

 For home ownersDepartment of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Information Center 808-586-2634 [8a.m. to Noon Mondays through Fridays]  They can provide you with information about Hawaii's residential Owners Code.

*Home owners are still legally required to pay all the bills(Mortgage, maintenance fee, utility bills) unless you contact your lenders for any special arrangements that you can settle the matter personally.

- For resources for Food, Housing, and Utilities: 
Aloha United Way (Call 211)
Hawaii Food Bank
The Food Basket 808-933-6030

The U.S. Small Business Association Economic Injury Disaster Advance Loan:


Today's local business highlight! 

Craving for Authentic Japanese food!? It was sooooo yummy! We did curbside pick up. Made me miss Japan! (>.<) (^.^)

Go to my website for quick search! 

No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Protect your investment - Homeowner help resources ホームオーナーとしての投資資産を守る

Hope everybody has been staying safe and well!
During this pandemic due to Covid-19, basics that we tend to take advantage of, became more apparent that it's so very important for survival/sustaining. 
Foods, homes, jobs, and other means. Especially U.S. economy had been so strong and prosperous leading up to this point of time, many were not prepared for this. 
Have you watched the show called, "Undercover Billionaire" ? As the business man, Glenn Stearns tried becoming a millionaire starting with the seed money ($100), he states that the securing the shelter is so important for him to be more efficient. Then, I thought, although it's not a new idea to anybody, it does make sense and that's why its important to secure a housing. A place you can feel safe, a place you can rest well. Anyone who was fortunate to experience hardships, would learn and plan for better. It comes with your own experience or witnessing other's experience to learn and plan better (If you are latter type of person, who can get the wisdom so quickly, then good for you!).


There are 3 types of situations that might be happening with everybody's shelter(home) situations.

1. Needs a shelter/home (<- Click on the link to get info on the list of agencies that provides the helps)

2. Renting a shelter/home : If you are experiencing the financial hardship, please contact your landlord to discuss options. If you are doing ok, yet would like to explore options (Another rental property search/ what you can afford in this market and so on), please contact to discuss your options.
If you would like to re-manage your finances, there is also a great FREE tools that you can start using right away.
Those are old-school budgeting in every occasion yet SUPER effective, you will find it very useful I believe.
If you are sort of ready and would like to see what types of properties are available, please proceed to check here for quick search.
もし、お金の状況を見直ししたいという場合は、こちらの無料で使えるリンクを使ってみて下さい。FREE tools  基本的にはすべてにおいて予算を組み、収入と出費の状況を管理するのに使えます。

3. Owns a shelter/home : Please scroll down to see what options you might have to sustain during pandemic/financial hardship period.

As a realtor, we always talk about benefits of home ownership. Not only it's nice to be, but also it's very efficient way to save money over time in the name of EQUITY. 
When you are renting, you are helping your landlord's mortgage or cash flow by giving the person a monthly rent, which usually is the most expense for a lot of renters every month.  What if you can save the money that you used fore rent every month? But it will be called "Mortgage"? The most efficient way to save money is to get a home when your finances are ready. Although with smaller down payment, with mortgage insurance (Please feel free to contact me if you need help with terms and further explanations.).  Depending on the housing market of your desired area and interest rate on the loans, it makes sense to get a second mortgage to generate the necessary down payment to purchase a home. While I see cancellations of home purchase not foreseeing the future, some are looking into Ohana purchase (Tipping in as a group of family members to get a home.). Whatever works for each situation, it's worth a try. (We do have an investor consultation, study groups, please contact if what you are thinking about is legally possible)

As for current home owners, it's the sustainability during this pandemic and recession. Which is "How to keep your home". I am including the reference from National Association of Realtors, please feel free to pass it on.  This content covers a few ways for you to think about, but most importantly, you need to talk to your lender right away if you are experiencing the current hardship and finding yourself not being able to continue paying your mortgage. That's way better than jumping in to something completely new services that sounds too good to be true. Please always remember, the scammers are working very hard to try taking advantage of this economic recession to make money wrongly and illegally.


Please continue to stay safe, and wash and moisturize your hands often! 


Go to my website for quick search! 
No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)
1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410
Fax: 808.988.8077
*** Ask me about 10% donation to your favorite non-profit organization when you choose to work with us! ***

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Resources that might help you during this pandemic - Mortgage Forbearance, Economic Impact Payments and more!

Hope everybody has been doing the best they can during this difficult time as that's all we can do! My motto is always, try to control what I can control. I may not be able to control your behavior, yet I can control and improve on mine. As being preached by everybody at this point, let's wash hands, be mindful about what we are touching. Clean/disinfects surfaces that we touch more often than before.

As the pressure to go back to work has been increasing rapidly ( because how else we can get money, right?), there are easy to understand posters that are available for household/businesses to share with others. Although those are easy/simple enough, what might happen at home/work is that we tend to focus on what's in front of us (=interaction with others). If it's a very small group of people(2-3 people), highly manageable, however imagine dozens of people are all going back to work and more people are interacting regardless of rules and regulations. We can easily forget what we are supposed to do. These posters will definitely help us all to remind us, if they are posted everywhere we can see.

As for more immediate financial helps for renters, landlords, home owners and home buyers, here are some detailed info from National Association of Realtors, which includes CARE Act and Regulatory Actions by Congress. 

Because of many inquiries on what this Mortgage Forbearance is, here is a link to the video that explains what it is from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Official Government Site). 

Lastly, I am also including this link that explains a few things about stimulus check.

As scammers are also working so hard with their malicious intent, if you suspect anything, please report! 

Federal Trade Commission Fraud Report System

Please continue to stay safe, and wash and moisturize your hands often! 


Go to my website for quick search! 

No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410

Monday, April 13, 2020

Oahu Real Estate Market March Stats and useful resources for Food, Housing, Utilities and more! オアフ島の不動産売買状況及び食べ物、住居その他のお役立ち情報

Hope you had a decent Easter weekend regardless of the challenges we are facing during this pandemic. Here is the real estate trade result from March. If it was closed in March, then most of the transactions started in January or February to be able to finalize in March. So there is a little delay that's reflected in the result just like any other month's report. As we know, up until this whole pandemic started, our economy was going strong and super favorable for buyers and exchangers.

As a Honolulu local agency, we have seen some cancellations due to this unforeseen economy and job situations, while some are on a hunt for good deals. ( Please email me if you are wondering about how your neighborhood or your property value might be affected/changed.)



As we fight for coronavirus pandemic together, I would like to also include some of the critical/helpful resources herein:


- For home owners: Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Information Center 808-586-2634 [8a.m. to Noon Mondays through Fridays]  They can provide you with information about Hawaii's residential Owners Code.

*Home owners are still legally required to pay all the bills(Mortgage, maintenance fee, utility bills) unless you contact your lenders for any special arrangements that you can settle the matter personally.

- For resources for Food, Housing, and Utilities: 
Aloha United Way (Call 211)
Hawaii Food Bank
The Food Basket 808-933-6030

- The U.S. Small Business Association Economic Injury Disaster Advance Loan:


Please feel free to reach out for any questions you might have. Thank you for hanging in there together during this pandemic. Please stay safe, practice good social distance, and God bless us all.


Go to my website for quick search! 

No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410

Monday, April 6, 2020

We serve our Oahu community with the highest safety cautions!


To our Ohana, please kindly read the below as we continue to help our beloved locals who are in need of real estate service during this pandemic.

To all the public health workers and to researchers in the scientific community, thank you

Please feel free to reach out for any questions you might have. Thank you for hanging in there together during this pandemic. Please stay safe, practice good social distance, and God bless us all.

Go to my website for quick search! 

No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hawaii's Financial Emergency Assistance Programs ハワイにある緊急の経済援助プログラム

Hope everybody is being vigilant about staying safe!
As we are wondering how this help from government will pan out realistically, I would like to share the 5 financial institutions and a few local non-profit organizations that are offering a help during this difficult time.

Herein, I listed :1. Hawaii National Bank, 2. HomeStreet Bank, 3. Hawaii State Federal Credit Union, 4. American Saving Bank, and 5. Central Pacific Bank. Plus, a few of non-profit organizations that offer grants, rental assistance programs and so on. There might be other financial institutions that are offering similar type of emergency assistance program yet these are the ones that explicitly trying to help their customers. Please contact them directly for the details of their programs.


1. Hawaii National Bank /

The spread of COVID-19 to Hawaii has drastically changed the way we live, work and play. We understand that this may have also changed the financial situation for you, your family and your business. We are committed to assisting our customers and communities, and encourage you to contact your branch, relationship officer, or call us at (808) 528-7800 to discuss the ways we can help." 
2. HomeStreet Bank /
"Home Loan Assistance
If you are having financial difficulties due to the Coronavirus, HomeStreet Bank may be able to help. While we are required to follow your loan investors' guidelines, with a simple telephone call we can generally provide you with important information about possible loan payment options. Please contact one of our dedicated Loan Counselors at 1-844-544-9071. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. If you are not able to reach us during these hours, you can also email us at and advise us of the best method and time to arrange a call. You may also visit our FAQs page.
Business Lending Assistance
We know this is a very difficult time for businesses and we want you to know we are committed to supporting the communities we serve. HomeStreet Bank may be able to grant existing borrowers’ temporary relief in some circumstances. Please contact your HomeStreet banker or email us at Assistance for Business Loans at
The Small Business Administration is offering Disaster Loan Assistance to businesses impacted by COVID-19 with loans up to $2 Million to eligible businesses. Please reach out directly to SBA for SBA Disaster Loan Assistance at " 
3. Hawaii State Federal Credit Union /
"Emergency Assistance Loan*
Need financial help? Get access to money with a low rate personal loan with no prepayment penalty for qualifying members.
Deferral of Loan Payments**
Get relief from making scheduled monthly payments, Hawaii State FCU loan payments may be deferred for one to three months for qualifying members. Available on auto and personal loans, including share-secured and term share-secured loans.
Penalty Free Term Share Withdrawals***
Make withdrawals from your term share after the first 6 days of the account term without an early withdrawal penalty. Minimum withdrawal is $500. If your account falls below the $1,000 (minimum balance requirement) the account must be closed. Let us know how we can help. Call (808) 587-2700 for more details.

Program subject to change without prior notice. Certain terms and conditions apply.
* The Emergency Assistance Loan features 0% interest rate and no payments for the first 3 months, with a subsequent interest rate of 8.000% for the remaining 3 years. The blended APR over the entire 39-month term of the loan is 6.845%. A loan of $1,000 will have 36 payments of $31.34 per month, and total interest paid of $128.11. This Emergency Assistance Loan is available to affected Hawaii residents who have been members as of 12/31/2019. Members must meet minimum qualifications established for this special program. This program and rates are effective as of 3/23/2020 and are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Speak to a Hawaii State FCU representative at (808) 587-2700 or at any branch for more information.
** Speak to a Hawaii State FCU representative at (808) 587-2700 for more information.
*** Withdrawals will reduce earnings on the account. Penalty free withdrawals do not apply to IRA Term Shares. Speak to a Hawaii State FCU representative at (808) 587-2700 for more information. "
4. American Savings Bank /

"Financial Hardship
We're here for you, and are offering solutions to help customers who may be facing financial hardship due to COVID-19. Customers may receive a loan forbearance, deferment or extension of up to 3 months. We encourage customers who may be impacted or need assistance to reach out by emailing or by calling (808) 846-4645 (unsecured loans –i.e. Personal Unsecured Loans or Lines) and (808) 846-4626 (real estate secured loans – i.e. Mortgages or HELOCs). Please note that we are experiencing high request volume at this time. Our team is working hard to respond to requests as soon as possible. "

5. Central Pacific Bank /
"COVID-19 RELIEF PROGRAMS FOR CUSTOMERS AND BUSINESS OWNERS CPB HAS SEVERAL RELIEF PROGRAMS TO HELP CUSTOMERS AND BUSINESS OWNERS THAT MAY NEED ASSISTANCE GET THROUGH THESE CHALLENGING TIMES. Employment Disruption Loan: Hawaii residents whose employment status has been interrupted may be eligible for our low interest rate, unsecured personal loan from $1,000 to $8,000 with terms of 12 or 24 months. Consumer Loan Deferral: If you are struggling with payments on your Term Loan or Revolving Line of Credit, you may qualify for our 3-month deferral. 
Residential Mortgage Payment Deferral: If you need relief from your residential mortgage payments, our partner, Dovenmuehle (DMI), will work with you on a program.
SBA DISASTER LOAN: The Small Business Administration (SBA) has low-interest, long-term disaster loans available to businesses of all sizes, private non-profit organizations, homeowners, and renters.

Banking Signatories, Online Authorities and Entitlements 
Review your current banking signatories and online authorities and entitlements to ensure banking transactions will not be disrupted.

Hawaii Chamber of Commerce Resources
The Chamber has a frequently updated hub and is hosting webinars for business owners to keep updated during COVID-19.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 
The CDC has recommended strategies for businesses and employers to plan, prepare and respond to COVID-19.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 
OSHA offers guidance on preparing a worksite to avoid possible risks.
If you have questions regarding our programs to assist customers dealing with the impact of COVID-19, contact us at
To apply, call us at 808-544-0500. To request a deferral, please download pdf here. To request a mortgage payment deferral, call Dovenmuehle (DMI) at 800-669-4268 or visit their loan solution center to register and submit a request - If you have questions regarding our programs to assist customers dealing with the impact of COVID-19, contact us at 
BUSINESS BANKING PROGRAMS AND TIPS / SMALL BUSINESS SURVIVAL TIPS Financial Concerns:Contact your trusted Central Pacific Bank Business Officer, Branch Manager and/or Financial Planner to discuss your current situation and financial concerns.(Reference:
Other Resources:
Hawaii Home Ownership Center (
Helping Hands Hawaii (
Legal Aid Hawaii(
(Picture Reference:

For those who need more assistance relating homes(Rental,housing, mortgages, other great programs in Hawaii), go to Hawaii Home Ownership Center ( HHOC is a non-profit organization that strives to help with home ownership and provides educations. They might be able to navigate you through this challenging time. Please feel free to forward this article to the ones who can benefit from this information. Please stay safe and thank you so much for reading/sharing this info!

Go to my website for quick search! 

*Olena At Hoopili Affordable Housing Application Due on Friday

No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410