Sunday, May 10, 2020

Protect your investment - Homeowner help resources ホームオーナーとしての投資資産を守る

Hope everybody has been staying safe and well!
During this pandemic due to Covid-19, basics that we tend to take advantage of, became more apparent that it's so very important for survival/sustaining. 
Foods, homes, jobs, and other means. Especially U.S. economy had been so strong and prosperous leading up to this point of time, many were not prepared for this. 
Have you watched the show called, "Undercover Billionaire" ? As the business man, Glenn Stearns tried becoming a millionaire starting with the seed money ($100), he states that the securing the shelter is so important for him to be more efficient. Then, I thought, although it's not a new idea to anybody, it does make sense and that's why its important to secure a housing. A place you can feel safe, a place you can rest well. Anyone who was fortunate to experience hardships, would learn and plan for better. It comes with your own experience or witnessing other's experience to learn and plan better (If you are latter type of person, who can get the wisdom so quickly, then good for you!).


There are 3 types of situations that might be happening with everybody's shelter(home) situations.

1. Needs a shelter/home (<- Click on the link to get info on the list of agencies that provides the helps)

2. Renting a shelter/home : If you are experiencing the financial hardship, please contact your landlord to discuss options. If you are doing ok, yet would like to explore options (Another rental property search/ what you can afford in this market and so on), please contact to discuss your options.
If you would like to re-manage your finances, there is also a great FREE tools that you can start using right away.
Those are old-school budgeting in every occasion yet SUPER effective, you will find it very useful I believe.
If you are sort of ready and would like to see what types of properties are available, please proceed to check here for quick search.
もし、お金の状況を見直ししたいという場合は、こちらの無料で使えるリンクを使ってみて下さい。FREE tools  基本的にはすべてにおいて予算を組み、収入と出費の状況を管理するのに使えます。

3. Owns a shelter/home : Please scroll down to see what options you might have to sustain during pandemic/financial hardship period.

As a realtor, we always talk about benefits of home ownership. Not only it's nice to be, but also it's very efficient way to save money over time in the name of EQUITY. 
When you are renting, you are helping your landlord's mortgage or cash flow by giving the person a monthly rent, which usually is the most expense for a lot of renters every month.  What if you can save the money that you used fore rent every month? But it will be called "Mortgage"? The most efficient way to save money is to get a home when your finances are ready. Although with smaller down payment, with mortgage insurance (Please feel free to contact me if you need help with terms and further explanations.).  Depending on the housing market of your desired area and interest rate on the loans, it makes sense to get a second mortgage to generate the necessary down payment to purchase a home. While I see cancellations of home purchase not foreseeing the future, some are looking into Ohana purchase (Tipping in as a group of family members to get a home.). Whatever works for each situation, it's worth a try. (We do have an investor consultation, study groups, please contact if what you are thinking about is legally possible)

As for current home owners, it's the sustainability during this pandemic and recession. Which is "How to keep your home". I am including the reference from National Association of Realtors, please feel free to pass it on.  This content covers a few ways for you to think about, but most importantly, you need to talk to your lender right away if you are experiencing the current hardship and finding yourself not being able to continue paying your mortgage. That's way better than jumping in to something completely new services that sounds too good to be true. Please always remember, the scammers are working very hard to try taking advantage of this economic recession to make money wrongly and illegally.


Please continue to stay safe, and wash and moisturize your hands often! 


Go to my website for quick search! 
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Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)
1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410
Fax: 808.988.8077
*** Ask me about 10% donation to your favorite non-profit organization when you choose to work with us! ***

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