Thursday, April 23, 2020

Resources that might help you during this pandemic - Mortgage Forbearance, Economic Impact Payments and more!

Hope everybody has been doing the best they can during this difficult time as that's all we can do! My motto is always, try to control what I can control. I may not be able to control your behavior, yet I can control and improve on mine. As being preached by everybody at this point, let's wash hands, be mindful about what we are touching. Clean/disinfects surfaces that we touch more often than before.

As the pressure to go back to work has been increasing rapidly ( because how else we can get money, right?), there are easy to understand posters that are available for household/businesses to share with others. Although those are easy/simple enough, what might happen at home/work is that we tend to focus on what's in front of us (=interaction with others). If it's a very small group of people(2-3 people), highly manageable, however imagine dozens of people are all going back to work and more people are interacting regardless of rules and regulations. We can easily forget what we are supposed to do. These posters will definitely help us all to remind us, if they are posted everywhere we can see.

As for more immediate financial helps for renters, landlords, home owners and home buyers, here are some detailed info from National Association of Realtors, which includes CARE Act and Regulatory Actions by Congress. 

Because of many inquiries on what this Mortgage Forbearance is, here is a link to the video that explains what it is from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Official Government Site). 

Lastly, I am also including this link that explains a few things about stimulus check.

As scammers are also working so hard with their malicious intent, if you suspect anything, please report! 

Federal Trade Commission Fraud Report System

Please continue to stay safe, and wash and moisturize your hands often! 


Go to my website for quick search! 

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Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410

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