Thursday, October 15, 2020

Team works make dream work! Traditional value continues to be cherished in each successful sales! ハワイの不動産最新情報!大切なお家の売買をチームワークでお世話します!

Hope you and your ohana have been safe and doing good during this pandemic.

I felt the urge to post this with cheesy title...!! As most people already know, this year has been very challenging and unprecedented with the COVID-19 situation. Who would've thought that the world gets shut down!? Although with all the challenges, there are some good news during this time.


Because of the recent super low interest rate that we had only seen in the past during the 2006-2008 recession, people are out and about, buying homes! The low interest rate generated the high demands/needs for both re-financing, and purchase. Even though conditions are very good for both buying and selling homes in our Oahu real estate market, not everything sells. It's a careful planning and execution that actually makes the successful transaction. I would like to list the few things that you can start with if you are planning on selling or buying in this current market.

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Are you planning on selling your home? 


First and foremost, consult with your agent how the comparable sales are in your neighborhood. If you are selling, just like anything else, you need to know your competition and what you are dealing with. What you want for your cherished home doesn't mean much to buyers, it's the hard cold facts and how you can reason better than others, that adds value in $$$. Once you study and mentally ready, then you are ready as a successful seller! 


Be and stay flexible. So much road blocks to overcome during the actual sale process. Good agents are always looking out for your interest, stay connected, inform you every step of the way (Unless you would only like the pin point summary...). 


Fix a problem early on. Almost all the re-sale homes are sold AS IS. Unless it's a brand new construction. If you are selling home, not as a developer, it will be AS IS sale, however be reminded that lots of buyers use home loans for purchase. If your home has serious structural damage that no lender would want, then you need to fix that problem first. Otherwise you will be waiting for the all cash offer for a long time. 


Review every two weeks of listing period. If you don't see much result from the first 2 weeks of period of listing and marketing your home, most likely, it's over priced or too unique. In Hawaii, home price may not be priced too high, yet some of the buildings and projects have higher maintenance or special assessment that raise the total maintenance fee, which discourage some buyers. 


Be frank and open. Assumption and guessing creates further problem. Always disclose material facts as no one wants the cancellation during escrow process. 


Not to be afraid to address concerns. It's also in the line of where I am headed. Guessing and assuming create unnecessary drama and problems. Ask questions, address concerns whenever you have to your agents to clear your questions and wonders. I actually do the same to address to my broker as each transaction is very unique to the buyer/seller and each home.


Don't put your guard down till actually it's recorded. Our motto is to be the most caring and knowledgeable real estate advisor in our community. I know it's a highly stressful and lengthy process, somewhere during the process, you might be discouraged/frustrated, yet as long as everybody is doing the job, it will end successfully. 


One of our recent sales. 
Received an offer on the day zero before the public open house, received multiple offers, went into escrow in 3 days after the public open. Would you like to sell your cherished home with us? Contact me for free consultation!

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Are you planning on buying your home? 

Qualification process and budgeting. Some people think that they can go through the financing preparation when they actually find a home...WRONG! You have to get it done before you start viewing homes. So you won't miss a chance of getting a home that you love. 

Don't be afraid to contact your agent for any questions and what's normal, what's NOT normal. This is where our agency's experience comes into play. The same goes with home sellers. Each property is unique and each person's wish and needs are also unique. Imagine what sort of unknowns you might be getting into?! When in doubt and wonder, always ask questions!

Don't be afraid to place an offer for purchase. If it's within your budget and you like the home, it's ok to put an offer right after you view. Longer you wait, lower the chance of getting the home you like. Purchase contracts are drafted in a way to protect buyers. You will get 14 day inspection period for the property (If it's a regular sale) for possible cancellation. However, be reminded that you need to of course take each step with your highest cautions and attentions. It IS a legal process that you go through. 

Be flexible and open-minded. As I mentioned in the selling home section, each home sale has unique situation and unique buyer/seller personalities, situations. Unexpected/inexperienced situation occur 
almost in every home sales.

Stay tuned with your loan officer and your agent. They are your best friends during your home search and actual process. The better the communication is among your team, the better the outcome will be! You will absolutely need the Team "Your name" ! 

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Special thanks to our clients who trust us with their cherished homes, my mentor and broker, Abe Lee, Joni and Eri from our Admin team, Kenn Nishihara from KN surveying LLC, Terminix, Brandon and Michele from Title guaranty, Todd from Real Steam Clean Hawaii, Handyman service KS works and my cheerleader and volunteer beloved husband :). 


Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details!
Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.
初めて不動産売買される方必見! 頭金補助プログラム及び購入者のための無料セミナーもございます。まずはメールにてお問い合わせください。

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Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410
Go to my website for quick search! 

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