Sunday, March 22, 2020

We should all wear masks and here is why. でかける時はマスクをしましょう!

Hello everyone, hope you are staying safe in this Coronavirus pandemic. My heart drops every time I see the new updates on the wild spread of the virus...

I heard about the shortage of this and that, I would like to do my part to stay away from others, so I won't be the one to bother being helped.

 I have been thinking, seeing not many are already wearing masks, maybe they think it's ok to not wearing one as they are healthy. However, I feel like they are missing the point of the "keeping distance" order. Now that we know some won't show the symptom, those "healthy ones" should also consider wearing masks to stop the spread unknowingly.

Although there is argument about the regular masks not being effective to protect you, or only the ones with symptoms should wear the masks type of recommendations out there, as long as THE MASKS REDUCES THE CHANCE of spreading/getting the virus, why not implementing it?

The below picture is from Smart Air, who educates on antipollution globally and sells the filtration items/devices( I have no affiliation to this organization at all yet I do admire what they do.

The picture shows how small the virus particle can be...

As I live in high rise condo, where we tend to be trapped in the elevator whenever we get to a car, go downstairs to check mails, go fear is to get virus in the elevator where there is no way to get 6 feet distance from each other. So, with my clear conscious, I tell my husband to wear masks.

Particle Sizes - Virus Labelled
(Reference from

Now, with the shortage of the masks happening and all, if you are crafty, or would like to try making one, those are the materials to consider making the mask with. From Vacuum Cleaner Bag to T-shirt, Pillow cases...I am sure you have one or two of them that you can use from the list below.

I tried making one with dish towel, and my husband was cracking up as it looked so humongous on my face, so I will try improving on it. :) My goal is to make a few washable ones so I can re-use it again and again. (As Pastor Wayne's service said, "God is asking for creativity" by

Dish towels are by the way, not the most softest material(therefore not so comfortable) that you place on your face, so consider doubling up with T-shirt/ Cotton material as lining.

Homemade Mask Materials Particle Capture Effectiveness


Please stay safe, try covering your mouth/nose in public as the virus can live in the air more than 3 hours. We don't know if there was someone passed the area you just passed has potential of having the notorious virus.

Prayer to the end of all this...
God bless us all.

Go to my website for quick search! 

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Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410

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