Wednesday, February 12, 2020

What is 1031 Exchange? How it can save you money on Tax? 1031エクスチェンジと呼ばれる税金対策

Tax season again! How's everybody doing with filing process? It feels like just yesterday that we had to go through with it, yet the time of the Tax filing came once again! Tax time makes us think more about saving on tax, and do better for the next filing period. 

Speaking of which, have you heard of 1031 exchange for investment properties? If you own a property that you are renting, you have an investment property. How's your investment property performing? Are you considering an option to change the investment property? Would you sell it and buy? Or EXCHANGE it if that's an option for you? 

IRS code 1031 allows investors to exchange the property you own with "Like-kind" property with deferral benefit on capital gains taxes on the sold property.
The crazy thing is  that you can exchange properties as much as you would like. 

However, of course it has rules on the days and if the situation doesn't meet the dead line, you will owe the tax on the capital gain. The whole process from selling the relinquished property to acquiring the replacement properties has to happen within 180 days. 

Now, the current Hawaii market is actually very favorable to try doing the 1031 exchange as the inventory has been stable, which triggered buyer's market. With the on-going low rate on home loans, equity, re-fi and commercial loan rate are relatively lowing also. This might just be the timing for you to consider shopping for good rates IF you need loans. As we always say at our seminars, 1% drop in interest rate saves you significant dollar amounts over time. 

Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details.
Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.

Would you like to help your favorite on-profit organization? Refer us to help the buyers/sellers that you know. We will donate 10% on the proceedings in your name to your favorite non-profit organization!

初めて不動産売買される方必見! 頭金補助プログラム及び購入者のための無料セミナーもございます。(次回セミナー:3月18日)まずはメールにてお問い合わせください。

#realtorwhocares #philanthropyrealtors #Honoluluhomes #Honoluluhawaii #Hawaiihomes #Hawaiirealestate #c21iproeprtieshawaii #1031exchangeinhawaii #Helpinghawaiibuyerssellers #ハワイに住む人を助ける #ハワイの不動産情報 #ハワイの投資物件 #投資物件の税金対策

Go to my website for quick search! 

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Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Mortgage Rates are falling! This means a discount on the House of your dream! 住宅ローンの金利低下でお家のコストをセーブする!

Hope everybody has been staying safe and well! Due to the Corona Virus breakout (Among other things), the mortgage rates have been dropping to favor the current home buyers/ exchangers /investors. What does this mean for Hawaii real estate? Herein, the stats from January market result and report from Honolulu Board of REALTORS®.


“We continue to see a healthy real estate market with a moderate uptick in sales and a small increase in median days on market,” said Tricia Nekota, president, Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. “Both single family home and condominium sales were most active in the affordable to mid-range price categories, which is encouraging, especially for first-time home buyers.” Although new listings were down 18.9% compared to last year, the new listing volume in January 2019 was notably higher than any other January since 2009. Median days on market was 35 days for single family homes and 33 days for condos last month marking the first time since 2014 that monthly median days on market has been above 30 days. Approximately 41% of single-family home sales occurred in the $600,000-$799,999 price range. This price range also represented the most significant jump in sales volume at 19.8% or 18 more sales compared to January 2019. The most substantial portion of condominium sales occurred in the $300,000- $499,999 price range, while a 51.7% increase in sales volume occurred in the $400,000-$599,999 price range." 


The sales data shows the popular price range of $300K-$600K. Due to the hype of luxury condos in Honolulu, people in general tend to feel timid on the price point when it comes to home purchases, especially in Hawaii, yet you might just be pleasantly surprised when you find out what you can afford with today's low interest rate. It wouldn't hurt to start talking to your loan officer and see where it takes you. Time is money!

Announcement! FREE First Time Home Buyer Seminar from Abe Lee Seminar Room!
Join us for the 1st time home buyer seminar on March 18th, 2020 (6p.m.~) at Abe Lee Seminar Room. We will also introduce Down Payment Assistance Program from Hawaii Home Ownership Center. Please RSVP to or 

3月18日(水曜日)午後6時 ハワイで初めてお家を買う方のためのセミナーをエイブリーセミナールームにて行います。要予約。参加無料。お友達、ご家族とお気軽に参加下さい。非営業団体のハワイホームオーナーシップセンターからのローンオフィサーをお呼びして、頭金援助プログラム等、特別なプログラムの紹介もございます。Eメールにてご予約下さい。

StatsInfo_Jan2020.png (800×626)

Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details.
Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.

初めて不動産売買される方必見! 頭金補助プログラム及び購入者のための無料セミナーもございます。(次回セミナー:3月18日)まずはメールにてお問い合わせください。

Go to my website for quick search! 

No Image  
Hitomi Ozawa Simmons
 ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

1585 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1533
Phone/Text: 808.554.3410