Friday, April 14, 2017

Oahu Real Estate Market Stats March 2017 Result ハワイオアフ島の不動産統計3月の結果報告

It's already April! Either you are a potential buyer or seller, we can all admit that time flies fast. Continuously and stably rising in price for real estate on Oahu. It shows "the earlier the better" for purchase type of behavior in the market.

iPorperties Hawaii is owned and brokered by the real estate educator Abe Lee, who taught so many real estate agents over 40 years. We will have a first time home buyer seminar again in May, which will help you plan for your home purchase in the near future.  For details, please feel free to contact me.

弊社では不動産業者の教育に力を入れているエイブ リー氏により無料で初めての不動産売買のセミナーも開催している。5月に行われるセミナーでは不動産購入準備及び将来のプランにも役立つ情報が得られる。詳細はメールでお問い合わせ下さい。
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ホノルルの不動産状況はかなり短い期間で変わります。特定のエリアについて知りたい方、不動産売買のプロセスについて知りたい方、どんなご質問もお受けします。お気軽にメールにてお問い合わせください。 /

Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details.
Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.


No ImageHitomi Ozawa
                      ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)
Email :
Cellular : 808-554-3410
Fax : 808-988-8077

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Oahu Real Estate February Sats! First time home buyer seminar on May 31st in Japanese! オアフの不動産セールス2月の統計 安定した市場が続く

Here is the result from February, 2017. Continuously stable market, which is good for both seller and buyer. Even though Honolulu real estate market is always in need of more affordable properties, there are decently reachable units out there. Thus, I would like to continue to encourage first time home buyers/investors.

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ハワイに住む日本人の方必見!(military benefit, MCC credit, down payment assistance program etc)
セミナー日程:5/31/2017 6p.m-8p.m.   要RSVP

ホノルルの不動産状況はかなり短い期間で変わります。特定のエリアについて知りたい方、不動産売買のプロセスについて知りたい方、どんなご質問もお受けします。お気軽にメールにてお問い合わせください。 /
Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details. Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.

 No ImageHitomi Ozawa([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

Email :
Cellular : 808-554-3410
Fax : 808-988-8077

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Honolulu Real Estate January stats! Get Ready for 2017 Home Ownership! ホノルルの不動産 1月の市場統計

Here is the result from January, 2017. Continuously stable market, which is good for both seller and buyer. Even though Honolulu real estate market is always in need of more affordable properties, there are decently reachable units out there. Thus, I would like to continue to encourage first time home buyers/investors.


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ホノルルの不動産状況はかなり短い期間で変わります。特定のエリアについて知りたい方、不動産売買のプロセスについて知りたい方、どんなご質問もお受けします。お気軽にメールにてお問い合わせください。 /
Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details. Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.

No ImageHitomi Ozawa  ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

Email :
Cellular : 808-554-3410
Fax : 808-988-8077

Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Valentines Day from iProperties Hawaii!

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ホノルルの不動産状況はかなり短い期間で変わります。特定のエリアについて知りたい方、不動産売買のプロセスについて知りたい方、どんなご質問もお受けします。お気軽にメールにてお問い合わせください。 /
Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details. Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.

 No ImageHitomi Ozawa  ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

Email :
Cellular : 808-554-3410
Fax : 808-988-8077

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Oahu Real Estate December 2016 Sales Stats from iProperties Hawaii! 2016年12月のオアフ島不動産市場

Happy New Year of 2017! Wishing you Health, Happiness and Prosperity!

Here is the sales stats from December in 2016.

What are we thinking from the figures? Well, Oahu real state market is stable and shows growth continuously. If you are the buyer side, this is a typical trend of  "Time value of YOUR money". Would the home sale price drop if you wait? No. Would the rental property fee go down if you wait? No. While it still holds low interest rate on home loans, whoever takes a chance to put an offer in might just get that chance of owning a property. The very first step is always to go through the pre-qualification process. Free consultation is always available at our office.

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ホノルルの不動産状況はかなり短い期間で変わります。特定のエリアについて知りたい方、不動産売買のプロセスについて知りたい方、どんなご質問もお受けします。お気軽にメールにてお問い合わせください。 /

Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details. Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.


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Hitomi Ozawa  ([RA] RE Lic# RS-74864)

Email :
Cellular : 808-554-3410
Fax : 808-988-8077