Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Evolving Honolulu - Honolulu Night Market, Kakaako カカアコナイトマーケット!


Today, I would like to share the information on Kakaako Night Market. Kakaako is a very hot area that has so many development plan to be the 2nd hottest spot on Oahu next to Waikiki area.
Kakaako covers pretty wide area that Kamehameha school is planning the "Master Plan" to develop mixed use, mixed income neighborhood.
Honolulu Night Market, which is held once a month from 6p.m. on Saturday is almost like a block party, but more organized and there is actually a cover over your head when you choose to eat inside of warehouse buildings. Many say, "Family Friendly" If you watch out where you are going since it's packed with many people.
When lots of new condo developments were planned and approved in this area, many people were concerned about losing the "Local" flavor. It's nice to see how all the local people can get together and enjoy at this market place for sure. At the same time, visitors can enjoy what this evolving Hawaii can offer not only during the daytime, but continue to enjoy at night.

The warehouse building of HCDA
(Hawaii Community Development Authority)

    Street performer. Not just another ordinary performer, but he's got some skills!

The night I went there, it was very hot yet little rain here and there. Perfect night out spot for those who would like to experience some of the urban mixed Hawaii culture. Hope you are hungry! おなかをすかせて行ってください!

Once you get there, you will see vintage cars parked upfront, then main stage where local bands were playing and entertaining crowds, then, you will see dozens of food vendors that offer various foods and merchandise.

It was filled with local and some tourist. I could hardly move around. As I was walking around entire site(which only took about 10minutes or so), and explored the interior of the warehouse building, I noticed the beautiful handmade decorations inside. When you pass through the warehouse part, there was a little outside bar set up where you can lounge and drink with your friends being surrounded by the Asian-Hawaii inspired decoration.


Honolulu is such a special place that attracts people eternally. Lately this mixture of local culture and urban culture are alluring even more people. I even saw tourists who walked to visit this night market from Waikiki on foot!
For those who are considering buying new condos in this Kakaako area would be in for a real treat for sure.
More on Honolulu Night Market: <-- 詳しいカカアコのホノルルナイトマーケット情報はこちら
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