Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How to buy a home with low down payment in Hawaii? 頭金が少なくてもお家が買える?

There are always dilemma as to buy or continue to rent. What is the biggest barrier for buyer to purchase a home? Normally, saving up for the down payment for many years. Then, how people are buying homes if you don't have down payment ready? Take advantage of what this non profit organization can offer.
Hawaii Home Ownership Center(HHOC) continuously provides down payment assistance program that helped thousand's of people to become a 1st time home owner in Hawaii. There are actually loans available with low down payment, yet with this program(DPAL), you can avoid paying for purchase mortgage insurance that comes with low down payment loan usually.

Right now, HHOC offers 5% down, down payment assistance program. What that means is that you just have to come up with 5% of home purchase price, then rest of the 15% will be filled by the program. There, you have 20% down to purchase a home! Please note that it's ALWAYS a good idea to have more funds available though. At lease about 4% of home purchase price for closing cost and so on. Home purchase is a lengthy process, you will need lots of patience even during the time you are shopping for it. But the reward you get is priceless. You WILL become a home owner.


If you are seriously considering buying a home in 2014 with getting a down payment assistance from HHOC, first thing you can do is to get a consultation through them to find out where you are financially. What I love about HHOC is to educate future home owners to be ready to KEEP the house. What you really don't want to do is to buy a house that you love and lose it.

Are you a 1st time home buyer? Need down payment assistance? E-mail me for details. Buyer's education program is also available through Hawaii Home Ownership Center.