Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shirokiya Residential Estates (Our new chapter!) 白木屋レジデンシャルエステートのご紹介

Our company iProperties Hawaii and Shirokiya have merged to form Shirokiya Residential Estates.
iProperties Hawaii is owned by Abe Lee, long term Realtor and educator to all the Realtors in Hawaii.
This new chapter for our company will focus on all the residential properties including new developments and high-end properties.
アイプロパティーズハワイはAbe Lee氏が所有しており、長らく不動産取扱士及び教育者として多くの不動産取扱い士を育ててきました。

With that said, our community based dedication will stay the same. We offer our service by partnering with non-profit organizations to educate 1st time home buyers and also donate 10% of those commissions to the participating organizations.

A quote from Abe Lee, " Knowledgeable consumers make wise decisions".
Abe Lee 氏は「知識がより多くある購買者は賢い決断をするものだ」と。

Even though you are not ready to purchase a house right now, it's never too early to start educating yourself.
Hawaii Home Ownership Center provides education/counseling sessions to future home owners and current home owners. Please feel free to ask me how you can get started via e-mail at
